LEF Entrepreneurship Program

Welcome to our Entrepreneurship Program! 

We're thrilled to have you join our community of aspiring and established entrepreneurs. Here, innovation meets guidance, and creativity thrives alongside support.

Our program is designed to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit, offering resources, mentorship, and a collaborative environment where your ideas can flourish. Through this program, you'll gain invaluable skills, forge meaningful connections, and unlock the potential to turn your visions into reality. Together, let's build, learn, and inspire as we shape the future of entrepreneurship!


LEF'S entrepreneurship program is a free, intensive online training offered to Newcomer clients. It will offer an introduction to alternative business models. In addition, to developing soft skills, participants will gain awareness of the skills and resources required to develop an enterprise and customized one-to-one business coaching support. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of all sessions!

Program Elligibility

  • Permanent Resident (or Individuals who have been selected for PR status pending completion of certain requirements), Protected Persons, CUAET Work Permit Holders

What you get

  • hours of learning per module, fit around your schedule.
  • Access to templates, frameworks and practical activities to help you build a high-growth company

What you'll learn

  • How to generate and stress test startup ideas
  • How to find out what your customers want
  • How to create a minimum viable product (MVP) to validate your product or service
  • How to pitch your idea and raise money
  • How to reach new customers and grow quickly

Sample Program Roadmap

Session 1: Startup Idea Exploration & Vision Crafting: Define your startup idea, identify the problem you're addressing, and formulate your startup vision statement to guide your entrepreneurial journey.

Session 2: Value Proposition Development & MVP Testing : Develop your value proposition, pinpoint your target customer, and validate your minimum viable product through testing to ensure market viability.

Session 3: Target Customer Understanding & Branding Initiation : Deepen your understanding of your target customer, assess the market size, and initiate the development of your brand identity to resonate with your audience.

Session 4: Financial Planning Essentials & Funding Exploration : Master the fundamentals of financial planning for startups, explore various grants, and funding opportunities to fuel the growth of your venture.

Session 5: Legal Foundations & Regulatory Compliance : Explore business structures, ensure regulatory compliance, and establish a solid legal foundation to safeguard your company's future growth.

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sample heading

sample text lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisi. Sed vitae ipsum in tellus tempus vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris vel ipsum nec lacus fringilla lobortis. Sed auctor odio eu velit commodo, nec mollis elit cursus. Vivamus a sem id ex aliquet elementum.

Sample Heading

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  • sample

Sample What you can expect

Make real progress in five weeks.
Our course is practical. Unlike other programs, we focus on tactics to accelerate the growth of your company. You’re not learning business, you’re learning how to grow a startup with proven methods.

See the world in a different way.
This isn’t your average course on entrepreneurship. We connect you to experts with deep experience from many fields, across sectors and specializations. We’ll help you see the patterns and opportunities where others see chaos.

Join a community of innovators.
LEF has helped thousands of founders build and grow successful companies. Join the ranks of entrepreneurs whose technologies and solutions are meaningfully improving peoples’ lives every day.

The Learning Enrichment Foundation is committed to complying with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). If you require accommodation please contact 416-769-0830 or info@lefca.org